Jaben Morganthal’s four years at JRHS have given him an appreciation for a community that strives for excellence. As a student, he has been an incredible leader on the basketball court, and his joyful spirit has encouraged others to have grateful hearts through even the most difficult of times. His investment in the younger students on and off the basketball court has helped to grow him in his leadership abilities as well.
Having reflected on the academic benefits JRHS provides, Jaben has developed his talent in marketing through the marketing project class. He also has expressed his heart-felt appreciation for his teachers over the years, knowing that relationships are an important facet to everyday living and Christian growth. These teachers instilled in him strategies to study efficiently, managing time for large workloads, and generating motivation to finish strong.
Though unsure of what God will have for him
next after graduation, he is confident that JRHS has prepared him in a well-rounded way for whatever the future may hold. Whether attending a trade-school or perhaps college, the relationships that shaped him in these four years along with the skills that were developed at JRHS will continue on as he pursues God’s path for his life.