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Skill Development

When fully served by a JRHS education, the student complements academic achievement with skill development that will lead to a diverse, productive and rewarding life.

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Skill Development

Mission Objectives: By providing students with an unmatched array of academic and extracurricular opportunities and by challenging them to experience new things, JRHS students learn to:


  • Pursue a diversity of skills that broaden the student’s experiences and abilities;

  • Utilize a variety of resources with intentionality and purpose;

  • Grow in recreational and athletic skills for overall “Temple” care and quality time investment;

  • Build the habit of good bodily health and establish sustainable principles of diet, exercise, nutrition and lifestyle choices;

  • Incorporate the use of technology into various facets of life as a way to enhance effectiveness, productivity, and value;

  • Pursue leadership into areas of high-yield Kingdom work.

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