Please welcome Stephen Zheng to the Jesse Remington Community! On a lovely afternoon, the Jesse campus became a place of international intrigue as Stephen and his family visited for the first time. It was a time of greetings and getting acquainted, a starting point for Stephen's growth and development at our institution.
The event began with Susan Sicard and Cheryl Crawford walking the family all over campus, giving them their first look at our unique, historic New England setting. Stephen will be staying with the Carlson family, and next was their house tour. Stephen met members of his American family, most particularly his host brother and soon-to-be roommate Andrew, and they enjoyed tea and (translated!) fellowship in the Carlson home. The group then enjoyed a wonderful lunch where Ellie Philbrick joined us, who will be Stephen's ESL teacher.

JRHS gives thanks to Mark and Becky Shan who are the liaison between the school and the family. Headmaster Jeff Philbrick presented a broad overview of the value of a JRHS education, focusing on the heart, head, hands and community. He shared how this uniquely American form of education has been a great blessing to international students in the past. Now, we look forward to the journey ahead for Stephen!