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Writer's pictureJeff Philbrick

Senior Feature: Kate Jeanes

Kate Jeanes came to JRHS for her Sophomore year, but had been a part of our community her Freshman year as she played on our Girls Sentinels Basketball team!

The one class that has stood out to Kate throughout her years at JRHS is Anatomy and Physiology. Kate adds, “I thoroughly enjoyed the class not only because of what I was learning but because of Mrs. Trudeau! She made it fun and captivating with her enthusiastic attitude and random stories that helped us learn more about the anatomy of the human body. This class helped me develop into someone who grew a love for learning about the body. I was so invested that anatomy homework didn’t feel like homework; it felt like something I loved to do!” Kate also appreciates how Mrs. Trudeau showed her how to serve in many other ways, like the outreach to help homeless children at Christmas.

The Philadelphia Mission Trip had a significant impact on her life, because it showed her how to have peace in an unfamiliar environment. Kate shares, “From the block party to cleaning Reno rooms, I saw God working through all of us. I saw everyone grow in their walk with the Lord and their ability to serve. The experience as a whole helped me grow a deep appreciation for local missions. Also, during my time at Jesse, I also learned to develop a love for worldwide mission trips. My Sophomore year, I traveled to the country of Haiti and there I learned to show God's love through acts of service due to a language barrier. Overall, mission trips at JRHS have helped me develop a deeper love for people all over the world, and my ability to serve and love as Christ did has grown immensely.”

Kate plans to attend Houghton College in the fall. From there she intends to graduate, close in on being debt-free, hopes to be in a committed relationship, and looks forward to setting out on some adventures around the globe.

Isaiah 55:12 is Kate’s seasonal verse for this moment, as she looks towards graduating and her future adventures: “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”

Kate’s advice for the underclassmen would be “to have fun in High School! Make the most of your time at JRHS, grow together, grow as an individual, grow in your faith, and grow in your learning. As you grow up and move on in your High School journey be determined and have grit. Some things will be tough but you’ll get through it. Know that through all of the highs and the lows that God never makes mistakes and you are more than enough to accomplish what is set before you. Be the best you can and conquer High School.”

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