If you're unfamiliar with the term "Agape", it is the Greek word for selfless, unconditional love. Jesus taught Agape love to his disciples, showing that in their service to one another, they would experience positive growth in their own lives. We serve Agape lunches one a month to school families and invited guests as a way for us to fulfill the scriptures as an act of service and to introduce people to the Agape community that JRHS seeks to foster.
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35
Agape Lunches at Jesse Remington High School are a great way to Taste and Tour our unique school. We host Agape Lunches once per month throughout the school year. Together as a community, we enjoy a time of food and fellowship while learning what's happening at JRHS, and leave challenged by an encouraging and inspiring message from our guest "dessert challenge speaker." Your heart and your belly will leave full!
Lunch begins at 12:15 pm and ends around 1:15 pm. All lunches are held in the fellowship hall at the Candia Congregational Church (1 South Road, Candia). Guests are welcomed and encouraged to stay for a campus tour immediately following lunch. Seating is limited so please make sure you get your registrations in by filling out the Agape Lunch Registration by clicking here.
We look forward to introducing our community and enjoying a delicious lunch with you soon!