Jesse Remington High School has a wonderfully strong Board, we have been blessed with talented individuals across a wide range of disciplines, all who love Christ and give themselves freely to support the mission of Jesse Remington High School. This makes serving a joy. As you have picked up in communication over the past two years, we have a growth vision that takes us from our present enrollment to 50, then 65, and beyond. Growth looks like fun from a distance, but in real time there is some learning, work, and necessary sacrifice. Amid seeking to grow, we can’t lose sight of the things that make Jesse Remington distinct: a sense of community, an educational experience that truly prepares young lives academically, spiritually, and socially, as well as the strong Biblical foundation upon which a transformed life is built. As a Board we have divided our time to include the normal agenda items of finance, state of the school, and direction, to include strategy, governance, and leadership. This is an effort to well-round our work and to “build one another up” as the Scripture encourages. To strengthen Jesse, we must start by strengthening ourselves.
We would love to hear from you in whatever way God prompts you: a note, volunteering your talents, a suggestion, a criticism, a gift, your presence in growth events like the Mission Celebration - whatever way in which you feel you can add value at JRHS.
God bless you in 2024!
From the Board of Directors, Melanie, Heather, Ed, Matt, Jon, Steve, Jeff and Ken