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Senior Feature: Lucius Jacott

Lucius Jacott came into JRHS in the second semester of his junior year. Although he has not been with this senior class all four years, he has contributed nicely to this class and brings a sense of laughter and thought provoking conversation to a classroom. He enjoys the Timber Frame Project and his Humanities class, specifically reading “The Knight's Tale” in the Canterbury Tales. “ It was just so epic with all the imagery and Iliad/Odyssey type elements", he comments. His plans for next year include attending Houghton College to major in History. In addition to the schoolwork, he's considering taking his new love for the sport of lacrosse and putting on the uniform for Houghton, in the footsteps of Coach Samuelson. Lucius's favorite memory at Jesse is the winter campout he went on with Miss Bailey.  Lucius felt like they had a really close bonding experience with everyone that was there, and he really enjoyed the fellowship that they had.

Lucius's doesn't note a favorite Bible verse, but rather a favorite part of the Bible. And, true to form, it is an Old Testament War and Victory story!  Lucius take courage when God goes before the people of Israel into the land under Joshua's leadership and the Lord conquers the land for them. It is because of their obedience and faith they inherit the land. 

The best parts of Lucius's JRHS experience have been timber framing, sugaring, airsoft club, outdoor education, and reading Moby Dick out loud with Curtis in class, truly a legendary experience for all! I asked his parents the derivation of his name, and this is what they told me: "Lucius means Light, or Bringer of Light", and they went back into early Roman/Italian history and chose a name that now Lucius lives up to every day - one who brings light into the classrooms, projects and trips of JRHS! 

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