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JRHS Finishes Strong 2017-2018

Dear JRHS Friends,

Thanks to the many generous financial partners that support JRHS throughout the year, we are blessed to announce that we have once again witnessed the Lord lead us to another year of financial success. Today is the last day of our fiscal year, and the outpouring of blessed support of JRHS this year has been stronger than ever, as we have received over $100,000 in gifts to the Annual, Financial Aid and Capital Funds. It is truly a blessing to be found faithful, and to have an awesome school that is raising up young people who will have Kingdom Impact in the years ahead. Those who invest in JRHS through one time or ongoing gifts are an essential part of God’s work at JRHS; you have provided another year of financial stability to our school, allowing us to do what God has called us to do: raise up a generation of youth, endowed with a biblical worldview, to become effective leaders for Jesus Christ.

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Thank you,

Jeff Philbrick


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